Schools canteen equipment PIÚINFORMA®
Our school canteen equipment is one of PIÚINFORMA®’s best sustainable proposals, especially because of the didactic role that schools play within society
Our school canteen equipment is one of PIÚINFORMA®’s best sustainable proposals, especially because of the didactic role that schools play within society
When we talk about sustainability, we often think of the conservation of natural resources or the use of renewable energy.
PIÚINFORMA® is only for sustainable entities and companies and applies to catering and food and beverage distribution. Services that are often already present within them where corporate responsibility and sustainability paths are active.
The restaurant industry and food and beverage vending machines are services that are present almost everywhere in our daily lives. But it is also important to be aware that, by their nature, they have a high impact on both the environment and the health of consumers.
The catering services managed by PIÚINFORMA® have been accredited by the Ecosistemi Foundation, an organization that has been dealing with sustainability and circular economy for years.
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time and catering is one of the big contributors.They have significant effects on people’s health, both direct and indirect.
The environment, food and social issues are two pillars of corporate sustainability, together with the circular economy and governance. Integrating them means having a strategic vision
Recycling is not compatible with the circular economy but despite this there are still companies that persist in this practice!
The necessary reduction of waste and increasing sustainability of food are giving new life to a new food culture based on environmental impact (CO2eq).
More and more often we are faced with vending machines, especially in the workplace. Is it possible to eat healthy
There’s no denying that recycling efforts have increased in recent years as people have become more aware of environmental issues.
As more and more consumers become aware of the importance of sustainability, companies begin to respond with more environmentally friendly products.
When it comes to fair trade, consumers are usually based on brands. There are so many of them and it
Finally the transport and maintenance of the cold chain, is no longer a problem. The use of adequate equipment is part of food safety and must be considered by all companies.
Sustainability vending machines PIÚINFORMA® brand. The refreshment points present within public and private companies.
The eco-sustainable format PIÚINFORMA® has always been committed to supporting the importance of environmental sustainability and in particular that linked
Ecozema®, the Italian company par excellence of compostable disposable catering products, is now even more sustainable thanks to the adhesion
It is with great pleasure that we inform you that the new facilities for sustainable dining areas have finally arrived!
Sustainability is now an adjective that we hear mentioned every day. It is used systematically as if it were a
The topic of health and safety of food in the workplace must include food and beverages that are distributed in
The pressure is increasing day by day, we must act to reverse the growth of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere
The term sustainability has for some time entered into common use and is also used in different contexts. Why use
PIÚINFORMA® has developed for locations where it is not possible to activate the collective catering service. With Automatic lunch, even
It is the most exclusive and complex service among the various formats we offer. It combines products, machinery, logistics and
Guidelines for healthy and sustainable eating. Introduction: there are many foods at our disposal, and there are also many ways
The sustainable solution to the problem of transport and management of coffee capsules According to the latest data of Altroconsumo,
During the last two years, PIÚINFORMA Association received several international recognitions, especially institutional ones, that add more and more value
Be PIÚINFORMA® | for a better world: how to do it, you can be the frontline of the change Guide
The benefits of the PIÚINFORMA eco-sustainable break and refreshment areas; identify automatic distribution and sustainable catering services. We revolutionize current
The search for the birth, path and end of life of food is the authentic recipe of our eco-sustainable break
A good break area and sustainable refreshment is not only important for the service itself but is a meeting point
In early 2005 Claude Bontorin publicly made a commitment to pursue and consolidate a model of Corporate Social Responsibility. Integrated
The automatic distribution of hot meals with a controlled supply chain is a response to our consumption habits that will
A System to support companies in favor of people’s well-being and the environment. PIÚINFORMA® is the brand that identifies sustainable
A new experience to live From November 30, 2019 the PIÚINFORMA® refreshment points are active in the offices of “Morellato
Thanks to the sustainable refreshment area, the Leon Battista Alberti Higher Institute has chosen for its headquarters at San Donà
From raw material producers, processors, distributors and end consumers. The PIÚINFORMA® sustainable food Path®. Why do that? 1)Consistency with its
At the beginning of the 2005 years Claude Bontorin publicly committed himself to pursuing and consolidating a business model in
Microplastics are a huge problem and are present in many everyday products; they vary in size, but these are typically
PIÚINFORMA® is the operational arm of the homonymous Association active since 2011. The only Non-Profit present on the UNESCO International
Simple, already in 2008, the trade associations had pointed out that the quality and related supply chain involving Collective Catering
PIÚINFORMA® in the last two years has acquired important awards for its commitment to supporting and supporting sustainability projects in companies at international level: institutional accreditations that enhance, increasingly, our Sustainability project for Automatic Distribution.
In order to get eco-friendly our vending machines, first of all we select products coming from biological agriculture and fair-trade
PIÚINFORMA® vending machines equipment is based on variable configurations in order to adapt to client’s needs. Our standard proposal foresees
PIÚINFORMA® manages the furniture and the installation of vending machines for biological meals in order to guarantee the greatest wellbeing
100% SQUEEZED APPLE… all the good of fresh fruit, without the problem of shelf life. The problem We all know
What motivated us to participate in this event? Ecozema® is proud to be among the companies that promote this UNESCO
N&W at the service of a world of sustainable development at the mab youth forum, the first world youth forum
Germinal : we are at the 2017 MAB Youth Forum UnescoWe produce organic by tradition, Germinal is there at 2017
Are we sure that fruit juices are really genuine? Are they really an alternative to fruit in children’s snacks? In