Sustainability business consulting

Sustainability business consulting using our services, all companies, public and private, can redevelop their catering services, even if they already exist, as long as they share the objectives. The action plans that we implement are aimed at reconversion exclusively in a sustainable key. Our corporate consultancy services for sustainability are in synergy with the figures in charge within the companies. Thus we initiate an organic process of change, creating a positive impact on society, the biosphere and the economy.

Start your journey towards sustainability in food service for your company now!

Discover our sustainability business consulting

Renew your catering services in line with your sustainability objectives and action plans, thanks to our specialized business consultancy. Find out how we can help you transform your refreshment areas and our consultancy services dedicated to sustainability!

Sustainability strategy and business consulting

We define with companies a path of sustainability applied to food and beverage services, extracting data and information from the same. Appropriately reworked, they are the basis on which we build the zero-point impact balance.

All the consumption data collected is valued in CO2Eq. With the support of our Elabora&Calcola system, they are scored using the procedures of the Obiettivo100 program. This leads to the action plans necessary for the reconversion of the refreshment services in a sustainable reading key.

Consulenza aziendale sulla sostenibilità. Sustainability business consulting


It is a program with objectives aimed at obtaining the best performance from the refreshment services present in places of study and work. We carry out an initial screening to define and then plan the objectives, times and activities necessary to achieve them. Divided into ten levels and objectives, it allows all companies, both public and private, to more easily verify and identify their performance in terms of food and environmental sustainability. Objective 100 combined with Calcula&Elabora is essential for all companies that want to stand out on the market, concretely demonstrating their impact on employees, stakeholders, collaborators and the community in which they operate.

Sustainability business consulting

Elabora & Calcola

The Elabora&Calcola system collects data on the sale of products, machinery and logistics used for the management of refreshment areas in public and private companies. It has a mathematical structure that synthesizes and processes the input data in double reading, from the inherent value of the element considered and its correspondence in CO2eq. The latter are elaborated by scrupulously following the current indicators available on the market. It wants to be integrated and complementary to the major methodologies known and recognized today. 

Action and environmental management consulting

We have applied it to catering services but it can be extended organically within the company. Information that allows you to activate a circular economy policy applied to food and beverage.

Sustainability business consulting

Certificates and Certifications

The documentation we release is based on a technological and scientific structure. Using impact measurement tools on the environmental footprint and specialist guidance on the evaluation of Quality products. Tools that are increasingly widespread on the international scene in order to be able to quantify the level of sustainability of products and services. A new perception of the quality of food and drink that goes beyond organic without excluding the conventional. We also analyze projects that aim to reduce impact in social and environmental terms.

Consulenza aziendale sulla sostenibilità

Discover our services for sustainability in food
for your company!

Sustainability business consulting

Do you want more information about our installations?​

All the PIÚINFORMA® eco-sustainable fittings and furnishings, in the various formats and solutions, are appreciated for the attention that is paid to the ecological component, demonstrating that sustainability can go hand in hand with quality.

Eco-sustainable creations

Our structures harmonize machinery and equipment present in the refreshment areas and are made of triple-wave, virgin cardboard, composed of cellulose, corn starch and peas or potato starch, all made up of natural products without the use of glues, chemicals or harmful substances (SVHC list). Zero formaldehyde.

Corporate social responsibility and sustainability business consulting

The cardboard used contains a natural resin that makes it resistant to humidity, BFSV certified, and is built with an interlocking system that allows assembly and disassembly without the use of glues and tools. With the same materials, we also make tables and chairs to be placed inside canteens or catering establishments. In complete harmony with the furnishings and corporate company profiles.