PIÚINFORMA® in the last two years has acquired important awards for its commitment to supporting and supporting sustainability projects in companies at international level: institutional accreditations that enhance, increasingly, our sustainability project for Automatic Distribution.
In 2017 we were official partners of the UNESCO World Biosphere Protection Programme.
PIÚINFORMA® and sustainability in companies
In June of this year PIÚINFORMA supported, instead, the initiative of the World Network of Water Museums (www.watermuseums.net),coordinated by the International Center for Water Civilizations. PIÚINFORMA® and sustainability in companies
Recently approved by the UNESCO/International Hydrological Programme Intergovernmental Council as the UNESCO Initiative. We have also been having fruitful relations with the Public Administration and some Ministries on the theme of sustainability in Automatic Distribution for some time.
Many companies and bodies have already chosen us and have activated our program considered, among many, the truly “most sustainable”. Soon PIÚINFORMA®, in fact, will also be a certification.
Participating is simple, it is free and brings benefits to everyone
Our motto ‘from words to deeds’ is proving to be a winner. Sustainability is not a slogan to be trumpeted around to “make yourself beautiful” but it is a value that must always turn into concrete and verifiable projects.
PIÚINFORMA® and sustainability in companies
Currently the PIÚINFORMA program is active in many companies and bodies in Italy and there are numerousnegotiations underway through our partners. Bringing value to the entire supply chain – from producers, managers, consumers – PIÚINFORMA represents a “sustainable” lifestyle and form of business.
Participating is simple, it is free and brings benefits to everyone.
Trust and visibility
Many companies discover, in implementing sustainable policies and products, obtain better visibility both towards their customers and suppliers and partners. The topic is about everything and everyone, small gestures for great results.
Gandhi, the philosopher “The strength, integrity and happiness of a nation is directly proportional to the state of health of its citizens”